Neepawa Bird Sanctuary prepares for the cold months



Photos by micah waddell

A small sample of all the unique creatures the Neepawa Bird Sanctuary has in their care at this time, including Clover the goat,  who is hanging out with some baby rabbits. (bottom right)

By Micah Waddell

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The bird sanctuary is one of Neepawa’s many attractions, and in its collection of fine feathered friends are a large number of ducks and geese, two emus, some red golden pheasants, rabbits and many varieties of chickens (there is also at least one mink who shows up uninvited). 

Winter is coming, and with it, the usual Canadian cold. The birds in Neepawa all move south, except for the ones in the Sanctuary, these birds receive five star care and get to experience winter without travel.

With the help of volunteers, the caretakers of the Neepawa Bird Sanctuary start to winterize and with that comes cleaning, lots of cleaning, new bedding for all of the pens and an orderly schedule of when each animal goes inside. The rabbits are kept separated by gender for the duration of the winter months (understandably). Even the goat (Clover) gets the indoor treatment for the cold months. The preparations for winter have already begun, with cleaning and repair underway.