NACI students make markers to honour Veterans


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Photo by Jessica Morton
These are the students and the shops teacher involved with the project.

Jessica Morton
Neepawa Banner & Press

Remembrance Day is only one day a year, but woodworking students at Neepawa Area Collegiate Institute (NACI) have created a lasting memory. Over the last few weeks, the NACI woodworking shop has made 110 wooden crosses painted white with poppies placed in the centre for their Remembrance Day project.

The idea originated from Robert Ferguson who had brought this project to the NACI shops teacher, Eric Gaudet, who then put his students to work. The students who gave their time and talent to help Gaudet with the project include Hunter Cluett, Sage Pollock, Trevor Wrightson and Joseph Plourde.

“This project would have just been an idea without Mr. Gaudet and the students,” said Ferguson.

When the crosses were finished, Ferguson placed them on the Riverside Cemetery’s veterans graves. At the time of the interview, he had placed 62 crosses and hoped to have enough crosses for next year’s centennial of the first world war.
When asked where the inspiration for this project came from Ferguson replied “I just decided to do it so we did it, I felt like this project was long overdue and we always want to remember our veterans.”

Ferguson, Gaudet and the students noted that they were proud of this project and their work.