Homebodies - An ordinary day..
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- Published on Saturday, December 2, 2017
Rita Friesen
Neepawa Banner & Press
My dogs have still not caught the concept of us being off day light savings time. We cheerfully rise early, and it has become a custom, that we walk before breakfast. As mentioned – it makes for a much quicker walk! We were up well before the sun and so we paused at the south end of our walk and watched the town slowly wake below us. The day was mine, to do with as I willed.
I took the time to tidy the counter – how can one person living lone allow clutter to creep in?! Chatted a few minutes with a friend and decided this was the day to head into Brandon and get a couple of things done. No- not shopping, though I can do that. My sister had given me a delicate copper etching and we had brought it into the city to be framed. The scene is one of four geese in white relief, and then mounting to the coloured sky are three geese in full flight. She had picked it up in small art gallery in Quebec, Quebec. If possible check out the work of Sonia Gilbert, exquisite! The call telling me the work was done had come in last week so I knew it would be ready. I took time to ramble the one mall, thankful for all that I have and how very little I need. I did a bit of people watching and then called a grandchild and made short notice lunch plans. We lingered over our coffee, comfortable with each, sharing life and laughs. My tech support staff checked that I was still doing ok, and planned some upgrades when next they are out this way. Comforting to have family tech support – they understand my lack of proper defining terms and are patient with my creative descriptions of exactly what my phone and computer are and are not doing.
Back home, the weather was holding so out Henry Hoover, Miss Daisy and I ventured for our second walk, before dark! Before dark but not before the sun was gently colouring the western sky. On my way to Brandon I had noted the mirage, enhancing the height of my mountains. Now the soft blues and pinks deepened to red and orange. We stopped and stared as the day’s end portended a great day ahead. “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight’. We slowed our pace as we returned home through the residential streets, the allure of the holiday decorations calling us ever forward.
It was a quiet evening, the grandchild called to be assured that I made it home safely and, thanks for the lunch! Another friend called and we made plans for a meal out.
In the big picture, I had not accomplished a great deal. No quilting squares were completed, no corners cleaned or tidied. No duties performed. No world problems resolved. It was an ordinary day, filled with beauty, love, support and laughter. It was no ordinary day, for it was indeed, filled with beauty, love, support and laughter.