Rotary Club meets their Tree Planting Challenge



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Neepawa Collegiate students and Neepawa Rotary members partnered to help green up the community. In two different projects, 32 two meter high trees have been planted in Neepawa.

By Ron Nordstrom


The Neepawa Rotary Club has coordinated a second tree planting project in the Town of Neepawa. This completed their contribution to a Rotary International challenge to plant a tree for every Rotary Club member.

A total of 15 Rotarians and students from Neepawa Collegiate combined efforts to plant 12 two meter high trees near the soccer fields at the area known as “the Flats” in Neepawa. Last month 20 trees were planted along the Veterans Way walking path on the west side of Neepawa.

The tree planting project involved the Town of Neepawa, Whitemud Watershed Conservation District, and Peer Helpers and the Horticultural Club from Neepawa Collegiate. The town staff saved the planters a huge amount of work by digging the holes and having proper topsoil available to pack around the trees. The town staff will also include these trees in their watering schedule. The project was funded in partnership with Whitemud Watershed and Neepawa Rotary. The planting was completed by Neepawa Collegiate students and Rotary members.

Three different species of trees were planted, including North America Linden, Ohio Buckeye, and Bur Oak.

Last year, Rotary International President Ian Riseley, challenged every Rotary club to plant a tree for each member. If the challenge was met, the result would be 1.2 million trees planted by Rotary. Rotary clubs around the world have accepted the challenge and far more than 1.2 million trees have been planted.

There are many reasons for us all to plant trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce greenhouse gases. They prevent flooding by protecting soil from erosion and reducing surface run-off. They support agriculture by improving topsoil erosion and create shade and shelter for livestock. Trees and forests improve health and well being by reducing air pollution. Woodlands help keep cities cool and are perfect places to exercise. Trees encourage wildlife, as they provide habitat for birds and small animals. Trees also increase property value. They promote peace simply by giving people a place to sit in the shade and contemplate the world. Planting trees show a long-term commitment to the community, as the ones who benefit the most will be future generations.

The tree planting project was a lot of fun. It is always a good idea to partner with middle school and high school students as their energy and enthusiasm is contagious. The Neepawa Rotary Club would like to thank all the partners for helping to meet our tree planting challenge.