‘Daughter on Call’ now open in Neepawa

The Neepawa Press

Daughter On Call has officially expanded to Neepawa. While we have been providing services in the area for quite some time, it became evident that it would be beneficial to open a Neepawa-based office. This allows the company a chance to be more present in the community and better able to recognize the specific needs of community members.

Read more: ‘Daughter on Call’ now open in Neepawa

Neepawa trade Vautour to Waywayseecappo


The Neepawa Banner

The Neepawa Natives have traded forward Riley Vautour to the Waywayseecappo Wolverines in exchange for future considerations. Vautour played 52 games for the Natives in the 2016-2017 MJHL season, accumulating 11 points (four goals - seven assists).

Read more: Neepawa trade Vautour to Waywayseecappo

MWM Environmental donates to BPCF

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Submitted Photo

On Sept. 15, MWM Environmental presented a $436.60 donation to the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation (BPCF). The donation came from proceeds of a hot dog sale that was held in the spring. Pictured from left are BPCF board members Brent Sorenson and Ginny Collins, MWM Sales Manager Shawn Samels and outgoing BPCF president Jane Goudie.

Banner and Press to become one

By Ken Waddell
The Neepawa Press

In 2010, the Neepawa Press was purchased by Glacier Corporation out of Vancouver. That meant that after 114 years of local ownership, The Neepawa Press was managed by an out-of-town and out-of province company. In 2015, the Neepawa Press was purchased by the Neepawa Banner and its publishers, Ken and Christine Waddell, which brought the oldest business in Neepawa back into local ownership.

Read more: Banner and Press to become one

Terry Fox continues to inspire

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Photo by Allen Gillies
By Eoin Devereux
The Neepawa Press

Thirty-seven years after the inaugural Marathon of Hope, the legacy of Terry Fox continues to inspire our nation. That inspiration was on full display recently in Neepawa, as 75 people took to the streets on Sunday, Sept. 17, to be a part of the annual Terry Fox Run.

Read more: Terry Fox continues to inspire