Where are they now? - May 3, 2017


By Rick Sparling

The Neepawa Press

Kaz Holod - Coach. 1951-52 Girls Hockey. Neepawa Public School Sharpshooters

Kaz Holod was born near Elk Ranch, Manitoba and moved to Eden and then to Neepawa, where he went to school from 1944 – 1955. During this time frame, he played hockey in both, the school hockey program and in minor hockey from Pee Wee to Junior B.

Read more: Where are they now? - May 3, 2017

Neepawa Library: Family history series


The Neepawa Press

In this year of the nation’s sesquicentennial, many of us are thinking not just of Canada’s history, but of our own family histories in this country and province. To inspire and encourage would-be genealogists, Neepawa Library is pleased to present the following series of events: 

Read more: Neepawa Library: Family history series

The Connell House: an example of post-war ingenuity


Photo courtesy of the Connell family. The house as it was just being completed in the 1940s. 

By George Connell

The Neepawa Press

Many of you I’m sure, are familiar with the two story house at the bottom of the hill, on the east side of town, at the corner of the Carberry Road. Well, I grew up in that house, and was recently asked to explain the unique history of that home. So, the following is the story as I remember it.

Read more: The Connell House: an example of post-war ingenuity

Students share a recipe for HOPE


NACI students packaging pasta at Winnipeg Harvest. (Submitted photo)

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Press

This year, members of HOPE, NACI’s social justice group, tried something different for their donations to area food banks— recipe kits. The donation of the kits, and the time they spent volunteering a Winnipeg Harvest, are part of the group’s work to help those in need close to home, as well as internationally.

Read more: Students share a recipe for HOPE

Looking back - 1997: Neepawa nurse organizes support during Flood of the Century

By Cecil Pittman

The Neepawa Press

80 years ago. Tuesday May 4, 1937: Mountain Ave. is to have another fine brick building. Work was begun last week on the new Alguire Block, between Alguire’s Billiard Hall and the Bank of Commerce. It will be a one story building, about 62 by 33 feet, with a full size basement and it will be constructed with arrangements for two store premises for rental purposes. William Clyde and O. Ramstead have the contract.  William Pellow is digging for the foundation.

Read more: Looking back - 1997: Neepawa nurse organizes support during Flood of the Century