Heart and Stroke campaign looking for volunteers

By Jean Borchardt

Neepawa Heart and Stroke

The Neepawa Heart and Stroke Campaign still needs volunteers to come forward and help out, by sitting at a table at the Neepawa Gladstone Co-op gathering donations and providing information to help people learn the signs of strokes. 

Read more: Heart and Stroke campaign looking for volunteers

Neepawa's Winter Wonderland back again

By Miranda Leybourne

The Neepawa Banner

Neepawa’s annual Winter Wonderland Festival is back – and promises to be bigger and better than ever – on Feb. 20, from 12 - 3 p.m. at the Flats.

Read more: Neepawa's Winter Wonderland back again

A tragic death with a silver lining

By Sheila Runions

Banner Staff

For the second time in 24 years, this reporter has had to announce the tragic passing of someone by means of a house fire. The first was for Ricky Benn right in Rivers (Jan. 25, 2002) and this one, for Bert Cluney in the Spring Valley district southwest of Rivers, two miles west of Deerboine Colony. William Albert “Bert” Cluney was born Feb. 5, 1926; he died eight days before his 91st birthday. 

Read more: A tragic death with a silver lining

Mild weather impacts outdoor rink at the Flats

By Miranda Leybourne

The Neepawa Banner

The outdoor rink in Neepawa down at the Flats has been closed due to warmer than expected winter temperatures. Amanda Novak, Leisure Services Manager with the Town of Neepawa, announced the closure via a Facebook post in the group “Coming Events Neepawa and Area” on the morning of Jan. 30.

Read more: Mild weather impacts outdoor rink at the Flats

Big birthday for Finkewich


Photos courtesy of Olga Duncan


The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

On Jan. 27, Gregory (Harry) Finkewich, celebrated his 106th birthday surrounded by friends and family.  About 50 people attended the party, held in the MPR at Country Meadows, in Neepawa.

Read more: Big birthday for Finkewich