Fabulous faithful February


By Lorrie Dyer

With January behind us, we are now well into the short month of February. Can spring be just around the corner? For Manitobans, this is a sign of our strength, hope and faith.

Sunday School will be held this Sunday, Feb. 8. Leaders Shelley Foster and Becky Stewart are sure to have a meaningful and fun-filled lesson planned, with attention paid to every detail! All children are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The church's annual meeting is scheduled for Feb.15 after worship. This is your opportunity to become informed and involved in church decisions. Annual reports are available in the foyer, so please pick one up and read it prior to the meeting. As well, we will be sharing potluck finger food that day.

On Feb. 22 Rivers United Church Olympic Games will take place following worship. Oh what fun this will be! Members are encouraged to wear their favourite team jersey. Maybe a brave soul will even don his beloved Toronto Maple Leafs sweater? Talk about faith! For a small fee, everyone is welcome to join us for a hearty lunch, followed by crokinole, cribbage and a variety of board games.

There are many health benefits associated with singing in a group. New members are always very welcome to join the choir in practice on Thursdays at 7 p.m. 

After a brief break over the holidays the Joint Needs Assessment Committee (JNAC) has regrouped for regular monthly meetings. 

Rivers United Church worship services are held every Sunday at 11 a.m. with Rev. Glenna Beauchamp officiating. Please join us!