Who knew?


By Rev. Glenna Beauchamp

Rivers and Oak River United Churches

How was anyone supposed to figure out this tiny newborn was actually God? How could people be expected to see the Creator of the universe, packaged in human flesh and plain, ordinary clothes? And who would have dreamed that the King of Kings would start out in a barn?

The vast majority of people did not figure this out, just a few shepherds and some Persian astrologers.

The other thing was the timing. God’s timing was way off! For this to happen during a major census was like trying to get the attention of the news media during an election. Jesus was born right when everyone had to drop whatever they were doing and travel back to the town where they were born. All the rearranging, packing and last minute details, and then the rush to get there and get home again. Why would anyone notice something as common as the birth of a baby? Why would anyone think this particular birth was the fulfillment of ancient prophecies and the answer to the prayers of generations of God’s people?

Times haven’t changed much. We still miss the coming of Jesus Christ into ordinary events and everyday life. We are trained to pay attention to what is loud and dazzling. God just can’t compete! Unless we make some choices to listen for God’s still small voice in unusual places, unless we pay attention to Christ’s presence in the lives of ordinary people, or even those we usually walk by without noticing.