Observation - September 22, 2017


Addy Oberlin
Neepawa Banner

Very shortly I will go to one of the care homes in town and have a “hymn sing.” The people look forward to this hour of music and singing. Many can not see well enough to read the words, but they know most of the songs by heart. It is enjoyable and rewarding to see a smile or a tap with a foot.

Music can bring healing to a hurting heart or a troubled mind. We often have special music and people help with the singing. I am not asked to play any difficult arrangements, but just the old-time hymns and I praise the Lord that He has given me just enough talent to do this.
David loved to make music to glorify God and please kings. The Psalms are full of his praises (Psalm 149, 150 and others). Even if we can not sing or play an instrument, our heart can sing with joy and it will reflect by a smiling face.
Let us rejoice in the Lord and praise Him day by day.