Observation - November 3, 2017


Addy Oberlin
The Neepawa Banner & Press

Do you have many friends? The past week, I was amazed to find out how many friendships I have formed in the last 20 years in the Swan River Valley. Even my children were surprised and did not think their Mom will be in a hurry to move closer to her kids. When we get in touch with people and do things together we are bound to make friends.

The Bible tells of many instances where we are reminded of friends and friendships. Even Jesus who did not own a home had many friends who gave him a place to rest. Jesus tells us in John 15:14 “you are my friends…..” Friendship and love go hand in hand and in John 15:12 Jesus commands us to love each other as Jesus loves us.

That is a big task and I have seen much love sent to me lately. I have also seen it with the farmers that wherever a friend is in need there is help indeed.

Let us keep our friends in mind this coming week.