Observation - February 2, 2018


Addy Oberlin
Neepawa Banner & Press

My thought this week has been on being alone and loneliness. Two words that can have opposite meanings. I am alone here in my room and it is a good time to reflect and concentrate on my writing. Jesus needed to be alone at times “and He withdrew Himself into the wilderness, and prayed” (Luke 5:16). We all need to be alone from time to time to pray and restore our thinking.

The last week I felt a loneliness that I have not felt yet since I have been alone. I know what the reason is. I miss my home activities which keep my mind and time occupied. I am convinced that the best thing to do is to stay active, even when loneliness tries to overtake us, knowing that the Lord will “guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought” (Isaiah 58:11), which is so comforting. Maybe we need to read those verses over and over again and let them sink in. The Lord will guide us always and will supply our needs at all times, if we will let Him.