Faithfully yours - The unseen guest


By Neil Strohschein

Neepawa Banner & Press

It hung on the wall in the huge kitchen of my paternal grandparents’ farm home. It was the first thing you saw after entering the house. It wasn’t elaborate. It probably cost less than $2 to buy; but it caught your eye immediately and its message was powerful.

It was a small white plaque with black lettering. It read as follows: “Christ is the head of this house; the unseen guest at every meal; the silent listener to every conversation.”

I saw that plaque every time I visited their home; but I never realized how significant it was until recently. That little piece of wood was a silent testimony to the faith of my ancestors.

My grandfather served as a municipal councillor for over 25 years. In fact, he died in office. In those days, he was known as a “road councillor,” because his major responsibility was looking after the roads in his ward—making sure they were regularly gravelled, graded during the summer months and plowed in the winter. And if any road construction was happening, Grandpa was on site, making sure it was done to his and the local residents’ satisfaction.

Grandpa and Grandma’s home was always open to visitors—friends and neighbors who came by for a visit, children, grandchildren and later on great grandchildren who dropped by just to say “hi,” have a coffee and enjoy some of Grandma’s excellent home baking.

Not everyone who came through the door of their home shared my grandparents’ faith. In fact some of them had no faith at all. That’s where the little plaque came in handy. Anyone who walked into their kitchen knew that within the walls of their home, my grandparents would not tolerate any language that showed disrespect for other people or for God.

But the influence of that motto extended far beyond my grandparents’ time on this earth. To this day, it reminds me that someone is always watching me; and that every thought, word and deed are being recorded somewhere in the heavenly record books. It also reminds me that one day, I will answer for everything I have done and that, when I am guilty of sins against God and others, I need to seek forgiveness quickly.

The unseen guest who lived in my grandparents’ home lives in every home on this planet. He fills every work place, every vehicle and every office. He is there whenever and wherever gangs, mobs or corrupt leaders plan and commit their deeds. He knows who is guilty of every criminal act—even those the police haven’t been able to solve. And He knows whose remains rest in unmarked graves, wherever they may be.

He is also fully aware of every random act of kindness, every intervention that either saved a life or helped avert certain disaster, every encouraging word that is spoken, every silent prayer that is offered and every act of love, acceptance and forgiveness that people show to others. His smile of approval rests on every person who does even one of these good deeds; for as he said: “Whatever you do for one of the least of these my people, you do for me.”

Christ is the unseen guest, the one who sees, who hears and who knows all that will happen on this day. You do not need to invite him to walk with you. He is already close by. He only asks that you welcome him as your friend and trust him to be your protector and helper when times get tough.