Observation - August 24, 2018


By Addy Oberlain

Neepawa Banner & Press

It is very quiet outside. It is supposed to be a hot sunny day, but the sunshine is partly hidden behind a smoky haze.

The haze is not caused by fires in our province but three provinces away are blamed for us having an unusual gloomy day.

Sometimes it takes a cause far away from our hearts that may cause us having a gloomy outlook on life today. I think of the young man who decided to take his own life. It made me feel somber to think that a young life is gone, a future for our country.

We need to stay close to God and His teachings in the Bible to be able to conquer the ebbs and flows of life. We find so many promises that we can cling to like in John 6 where Jesus tells us that “He is the Bread of Life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry and whoever believes in Me will never go thirsty.” Even when our life is overshadowed with problems or heart-aches, Jesus will give us peace because His love is unending and He never gives up on us.