Observation Oct. 14


By Addy Oberlin

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The winter activities are beginning to take shape. So winter decided to take shape also. When I looked out my window, while I was writing this article, snowflakes were slowly drifting by and the roofs of the houses in my neighborhood were white. Some might say that this is too early and others are frantically hoping that it will all melt and the grounds will dry up so they can finish the harvest. 

We’re not so bad off really. If we lived in a country with nice warm weather, we’d encounter other calamities, like earthquakes or hurricanes. 

We can continue to be thankful and praise God for his blessings. Hebrews 13:5,6 tells us to “Be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.’ So we can say with confidence ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid’.”

We can count our blessings each day.