Community Centre workmen

By Jessie Bell

Navi Gill has been facility manager of Riverdale Community Centre since Oct. 8. He lives in Brandon where he had previous management experience at YMCA for five years.

Read more: Community Centre workmen

The perfect time to help our community grow

Submitted article

Beautiful Plains Community Foundation encourages residents of Neepawa and area to make a gift on Nov. 15 as part of the Endow Manitoba 24-Hour Giving Challenge.

Read more: The perfect time to help our community grow

Rivers seniors install officers

By Myrtle Wooldridge


Nineteen members of Rivers 50+ Club met on Oct. 16. President Adrienne Beaudin quizzed us on how much we know about Manitoba. Our treasurer reminded us memberships are due.

Read more: Rivers seniors install officers

Amalgamation and election hit AMM board a body blow

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

When the Province of Manitoba forced municipal amalgamation in 2012, the Association of Manitoba Municipalities took a split stand on the issue.

Read more: Amalgamation and election hit AMM board a body blow

Single ready to lead new council

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner

There was very little down time for David Single and the new council in the R.M. of Westlake Gladstone. The group is already starting to prepare for its four-year tenure representing the region. 

Read more: Single ready to lead new council