The view from my chair...or couch

By Alan Gillies

G.E.M. Media. Submitted article.

I haven’t been writing lately. Most people usually assume I’m busy. They’re usually right.The past two months, however, haven’t been very “usual”, even for me.

Read more: The view from my chair...or couch

Homebodies - Clutter leads to insanity

By Rita Friesen

I think I am spending too much time watching home reno shows! Along with the hours spent dreaming about knocking out this wall and replacing all the windows comes the chorus – “If I had a million dollars”!  In an attempt to counteract this trend, I have begun minor projects on my own. Ones that do not involve a million dollars.  

Read more: Homebodies - Clutter leads to insanity

Right in the Centre - The truth is important

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

When being bombarded by news events from across the globe, or across the street, it’s important to know the truth.

Read more: Right in the Centre - The truth is important

My Perspective - Short term gain, long term pain

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

Over the last couple of weeks, the provincial government announced two compensation programs aimed at helping Lake Manitoba farmers. These farmers saw their land flooded through the operation of the Portage Diversion.

Read more: My Perspective - Short term gain, long term pain

Homebodies - This will become one of my abilities

By Rita Friesen

We are all entrusted with gifts and abilities. A gift being a talent that comes as natural as breathing. An ability just that. The ability to do, to think, to learn and therefore, achieve. My thoughts, please feel free to disagree.

Read more: Homebodies - This will become one of my abilities