Right in the centre - Pay for the smoke to hide the mirrors

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

It is understandable that Justin Trudeau’s federal Liberal party wants to retain as many seats as possible and to expand the number of seats, if possible. It is therefore quite reasonable to see that the Prime Minister flew into Winnipeg this week to visit and campaign a bit with his MPs. A couple of things about the visit are a bit puzzling, though.

Read more: Right in the centre - Pay for the smoke to hide the mirrors

My perspective - A tale of two cities

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Nothing quite beats the sense of community in rural Canada. I had two reminders of this in the last week.

Read more: My perspective - A tale of two cities

Right in the centre - To afford or not to afford

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

In a letter to the editor in the Minnedosa Tribune, Elvin Birch poses the question of whether Minnedosa and area can afford a new arena. The letter seems well documented and raises a lot of questions that don’t seem to have been part of the public debate. It is the kind of debate that every community goes through, but few have the debate as thoroughly as they should.

Read more: Right in the centre - To afford or not to afford

My perspective - Much ado a bot nothing

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

You can’t believe everything you see on the internet, we’ve known that for a long time.  However, maybe it’s time to question whether you can believe anything on the internet? Since 2012, Imperva Incapsula, an online security firm, has published an annual report on bot traffic.  Between 2012 and 2016, bots were responsible for more traffic than humans, four out of five years. 

Read more: My perspective - Much ado a bot nothing

Right in the centre - A second look in 30 years

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Manitoba takes a serious look at education, rarely. In my lifetime, there have only been two major reviews. One was done by the Duff Roblin government in the 1960s. The other was done in the 1990s by the Gary Filmon government. 

Read more: Right in the centre - A second look in 30 years