Weekend wins for Neepawa Farmers

Eoin Devereux
Neepawa Banner & Press

The Neepawa Farmers picked up a pair of wins over the weekend, in a pair of Tiger Hills Hockey League (THHL) games. The Farmers first earned a 11-4 victory over the Cartwright Clippers on Friday, Nov. 10.

Read more: Weekend wins for Neepawa Farmers

Cookies for a cause

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Photo by Eoin Devereux
The fourth annual World Diabetes Day Cookie Fundraiser, held on Nov. 10, raised $980 in the span of two hours. Additional support brought the final total to around $1,250.

Neepawa Banner & Press

The fourth annual World Diabetes Day Cookie Fundraiser was held on Friday, Nov. 10 at the corner of Mountain Avenue and Hamilton Street in Neepawa. The purpose of the event was to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). This organization commits itself to research that directly helps people who have type one diabetes.

Read more: Cookies for a cause

Thumbs up, thumbs down - November 17, 2017

Thumbs up to all the courteous drivers in and around town. We do a lot of walking and sure appreciate it. Also, a thumbs up to the guy that helped me off the ice last winter.

Alice and Jake De Beer
Neepawa, MB

Neepawa offers new incentives for development

Eoin Devereux
Neepawa Banner & Press

Plans are in motion for a new incentive program to attract more development into Neepawa. On Tuesday, Nov. 7, town council reviewed a by-law that would provide taxation incentives for new multiple-unit residential development, as well as new or expanding, commercial and industrial developments.

Read more: Neepawa offers new incentives for development

Letters - Did Tommy Douglas found medicare?

Darrell Rankin
Leader, Communist Party of Canada -

Mackenzie King was the first prominent Canadian politician to promise medicare, a month after the Winnipeg General Strike in 1919. He promised it at the convention where he was elected leader of the Liberal Party.

Read more: Letters - Did Tommy Douglas found medicare?