2016 a fatal year on Manitoba highways


The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Manitoba Public Insurance is issuing a renewed call to road safety action for all road users in 2017, after recording the deadliest year on Manitoba highways in a decade.  Based on preliminary data, in 2016 there were 101 fatal collisions on public roadways in Manitoba which resulted in the deaths of 112 people. These numbers contrast with 69 collisions and 78 fatalities in 2015. 

Read more: 2016 a fatal year on Manitoba highways

Farmers face fear, frustration over possibility of spring flooding

By Miranda Leybourne


Farmers in the Westlake-Gladstone region are looking forward to spring with trepidation and a sense of frustration over flooding that they fear will once again happen on their lands, thanks, some of them claim, to the Ducks Unlimited (DU) dam at Big Grass Marsh.

Read more: Farmers face fear, frustration over possibility of spring flooding

Terminal expansion moves forward

Submitted article

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Shur-Gro Farm Services Ltd and Munro Farm Supplies Ltd have announced the second phase of a three-stage expansion of fertilizer storage and handling at Brandon Terminal Ltd.

Read more: Terminal expansion moves forward

Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op supports palliative care


Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op human resources mananger Glenda Finkewich presenting cheques to Mary Ellen Clark (top picture) and JoAnn Beavington (bottom picture) on Thursday, Jan. 5.

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner/Neepawa Press

Palliative care across the region has received some much needed support. On Thursday, Jan. 5, Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op donated cheques for $736.00 to Neepawa and Area Palliative Care and Seven Regions Palliative Care of Gladstone and Area. Co-op human resources manager Glenda Finkewich who presented the cheques, said the Co-op always tries to be a good community partner in every community it’s a part of. 

Read more: Neepawa-Gladstone Co-op supports palliative care

Right in the centre - Oh deer, what can the matter be?

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

Whitetail deer have been moving further and further into Neepawa. Many towns have the same issue. Seems life is easier in town.The cute little Bambis have always been on the edge of town. They have always wandered through the outer layers of streets, happily munching their way through the cedar shrubs and nipping off whatever plants suit their palate. With the deep, early snow this year, the deer are hungry and moving further into town. There was even one on the Safeway parking lot last week. They are causing thousands of dollars damage to trees, shrubs and plants.

Read more: Right in the centre - Oh deer, what can the matter be?