Right in the centre - Get at it young people
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- Published on Thursday, September 25, 2014
By Ken Waddell
The Banner
With the election slates now set in every Manitoba community, it’s a good time for reflection on where communities are at in their march toward the future. One community stands head and shoulders above the rest in their anticipation of what the future holds. Virden, like many other communities, has acclaimed their town council, even the mayor’s position. But what they have done differently is acclaim three young councillors who, in the words of Virden Mayor Jeff McConnell, “are all under the age of 30.” Given that there are three other councillors and a mayor that likely makes their average age about 45. In contrast, western Manitoba’s largest town, Neepawa, while having a race for mayor have decided to acclaim all their council into place. The big difference is that the average age of the Neepawa council will be about 60.
My perspective - When we notice, will it be too late?
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- Published on Thursday, September 25, 2014
By Kate Jackman-Atkinson
The Banner
Last week, the deadline for individuals to register as a candidate in this fall’s municipal election came and went. When the lists were finalized, they showed one thing loud and clear, apathy. In many communities, councils in whole or part weren’t elected, they were acclaimed. This held true for Neepawa, where only six candidates put their names forward for six council seats. Perhaps the town’s residents felt that these were the six best people to lead the town, but I don’t think that was really the case.
Read more: My perspective - When we notice, will it be too late?
Do organizations believe issues will go away if ignored?
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- Published on Friday, September 5, 2014
It has been more than a month since I contacted Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) (Manitoba's main farm lobby group) to comment on my story, Is agriculture’s toxic hold turning into a death grip, printed in Rivers Banner on Aug. 15. I reported on new research showing that insecticides, widely used on crops in this province and elsewhere, were associated with declines in populations of birds which eat insects. The chemicals, members of the "neonicotinoid" family, are the same ones which have for some time, also been linked to large and significant declines in populations of pollinators, especially honeybees. The vast majority of conventional farmers, many of whom are believed to belong to KAP, sow seeds treated with "neonics," described as the most widely-used insecticide in the world.
Read more: Do organizations believe issues will go away if ignored?
Chimo Beach and Wheatland: wake up!
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- Published on Thursday, August 21, 2014
Al Harvie
Wheatland, Man.
Sitting in a meeting with members of the RM of Daly council, I realized I could have been sitting in on a council meeting of 100 years ago. Local businessmen and farmers, probably in about the same mix now as in 1914, doing their best for their community.
It’s a bumpy ride
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- Published on Thursday, August 14, 2014
Jessie Bell
Rivers, Man.
Those who would like a bumpy ride should drive over some local parking lots and back lanes. After a wheel hits the first pothole, speed is immediately reduced, only to get ready for the next hole.