Right in the centre - Recycling business in big trouble in Manitoba

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

Recycling is more than just in trouble, it has become a farce. For about 30 years, many well-intentioned Manitobans have expressed their concern for environmental stewardship by faithfully recycling. Beer cans, pop cans, newspapers, books, magazines, steel, lead batteries, household waste, food and other organic waste have been faithfully steered away from the landfills and into the recycling stream.

Read more: Right in the centre - Recycling business in big trouble in Manitoba

Right in the Centre - Distracted driving, distracted living

By Eoin Devereux

Neepawa Banner & Press

In today's world, we have many more distractions than we used to have, whether it is on the highway or life itself.The change is two-fold. Fifty, or even 20 years ago, we were not flooded with all the information we have today. There may well have been as much going in the world but we didn’t know about it. We certainly didn’t hear about it instantly like we do today. If there was an outbreak of war, a disaster or a tragedy, we might not even hear about it, let alone view it over and over again on our TV, computer or phone. Our lives are one big distraction, played out in our heads and fed by both organized media and by social media.

Read more: Right in the Centre - Distracted driving, distracted living

My perspective - A tale of two papers

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

The newspaper industry has a problem, but it’s not what most people think. More than anything else, the newspaper industry in North America has an ownership problem. Long known by those in the industry, the public watched this story explode a little over a week ago. The spark? A series of editorials in the Denver Post blasting their owners, a hedge-fund called Alden Global Capital.

Read more: My perspective - A tale of two papers

Letters - Gun control bill targets lawful owners and not the criminal

Neepawa Banner & Press

Justin Trudeau promised he would fix the crime problem during the election campaign of 2015. Unfortunately lawful gun owners of Canada make easy targets for an easy Liberal crime control fix. C-71 targets the lawful firearm owner, leaving out the criminal use of firearms. Not a single line in the Act refers to violent criminals or their illegal misuse of firearms. The $2 billion dollar Liberal gun registry has taught the Liberal Party absolutely nothing.

Read more: Letters - Gun control bill targets lawful owners and not the criminal

Homebodies - Every minus is half of a plus

Rita Friesen
Neepawa Banner & Press

“Every minus is half of a plus, waiting for a stroke of vertical awareness.” Alan Cohen (author of 14 popular inspirational books, contributing writer for ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’, columnist and seminar leader on spiritual awakening and visionary living.) There are days when I need this simple reminder, every minus is half a plus. Sometimes I need it for myself and sometimes I need to share it with others. Most of us take a set back seriously. That’s okay as long as it challenges us to think further, and not crumple in defeat.

Read more: Homebodies - Every minus is half of a plus