Right in the centre - Pardon the re-run

Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press

Television viewers are quite used to re-runs. Newspaper readers not so much. This week, I am offering up a re-run of a 2017 column. This week, we have had so many staff off work due  to illness that we are operating on a very stretched schedule. Hopefully, next week will be back to normal, whatever normal is in our newspaper world. I recently read a column about the universal day care myth. Day care has been a huge topic for many years and there are those who would have us believe that all children should be in day care. All day care should be owned by the government and certainly all levels of day care should be supervised and regulated by the government.

Read more: Right in the centre - Pardon the re-run

My perspective - Apologies

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

“Sorry”.  While we may not claim total ownership of the word, as we can with “eh”, it’s as Canadian a word as you will find. On any street, in any Canadian town or city, you will find someone unnecessarily apologizing for bumping into an inanimate object. Almost as Canadian an image as skating on a frozen lake is the Canadian apologizing for being bumped into in a grocery store. So ingrained in the Canadian psyche is politeness, that when Canadian Geographic and The Walrus joined forces to put together “The Story of Canada in 150 Objects”, “politeness” was ranked number one. 

Read more: My perspective - Apologies

Right in the centre - Minimal questions

By Ken Waddell 
Neepawa Banner & Press

There has been a lot of discussion about the minimum wage being raised to $14 per hour in Ontario. It is scheduled to go to $15 per hour on Jan. 1, 2019. The recent increase was a raise of $2.40 per hour. It has jolted many small business owners and not in a good way.

Read more: Right in the centre - Minimal questions

My perspective - Long-term solution needed

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press 

Neepawa is in an enviable position, it has been experiencing a housing shortage for much of the last decade. While this shortage has added value to the town’s housing stock, it has also created challenges, as new residents struggle to find places to live.

Read more: My perspective - Long-term solution needed

Letters - What happened to the Manitoba Farm Building Code?

Neepawa Banner & Press

It was repealed, very quietly, one year ago. The Manitoba Farm Building Code was introduced in 2010, in response to the rash of hog barn fires that occurred in 2008. Over thirty thousand pigs were killed in barn fires in that year alone. They were tough economic times in the hog business.

Read more: Letters - What happened to the Manitoba Farm Building Code?