Right in the centre - October 24 is coming soon

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The Oct. 24 date is looming. It’s already Sept. 7, so in 47 days or so, it will be all over.

Read more: Right in the centre - October 24 is coming soon

Letters - Opinions are not rifts, they are opinions


Neepawa Banner & Press

In the liberal world, those who disagree are demeaned, disparaged and dismissed. You are aboard the train or not.

Read more: Letters - Opinions are not rifts, they are opinions

My perspective - The pointlessly employed

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

Maybe it was because Mike Rowe’s words about the war on work were still fresh in my mind, or maybe it was the title, but I clicked with interest on a story from the Economist. “Bullshit jobs and the yoke of managerial feudalism”— this had to be good.

Read more: My perspective - The pointlessly employed

Right in the centre - Help is on the way?

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

The federal government has promised us that help is on the way. God spare us!

Read more: Right in the centre - Help is on the way?

My perspective - Hay, there’s a problem

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Neepawa Banner & Press

It’s been a dry summer, after a winter that didn’t see a lot of snowfall and another dry summer last year. For livestock and forage producers, this prolonged dry spell has meant that hay crops are down, way down.

Read more: My perspective - Hay, there’s a problem