4-H - Beef clubs gather

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Photos by Kira McCormick - Adema

Kira McCormick - Adema
The Neepawa Banner
The 4-Hers from  the Neepawa, Erickson, and Rapid City beef clubs (in blue, navy, and red) along with the Nova Scotia 4-H exchange members (in purple). The exchange members helped out at the Interclub show and sale, at the Neepawa Ag Complex, on July 5.

Read more: 4-H - Beef clubs gather

4-Hers from one province to another

By Kira McCormick-Adema

The Neepawa Banner

This summer, 12 4-Hers from Neepawa, Manitoba and 12 4-Hers and their chaperones from Amherst, Nova Scotia get to find out what the other 4-H programs are both like.  On June 29, the Nova Scotia group arrived in Winnipeg, and met up with the Manitoba group. From there, their western experience began.

Read more: 4-Hers from one province to another

Rehearsal for final program


Photo by Kira McCormick-Adema
Kira McCormick-Adema
The Neepawa Banner  

From July 3 to 7, ArtsForward hosted a drama camp for students in kindergarten to Grade 8. On Thursday, July 6, campers were preparing for their choir performance the following day.

Read more: Rehearsal for final program

Country Meadows celebrates volunteers’ hard work

By Jeannine Adriaansen

Volunteer Canada sets aside a week every year in April to appreciate the volunteers across Canada, this year it was from Apr. 23-29. They choose a different theme every year for the event and this year’s theme was Volunteer eh!

Read more: Country Meadows celebrates volunteers’ hard work

Heritage tours benefit museum and archives

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Photo by Jessica Morton

Jessica Morton
The Neepawa Banner

Accepting the cheque for the Beautiful Plains Archives is archivist Norma Forsman. Other members of the Langford committee pictured are (from left): Orval Tanner, Janice Sumner, Norma Forsman, Kathy Jasienczyk, Marj Goodwin and Helen Drysdale of the Beautiful Plains Museum.

Read more: Heritage tours benefit museum and archives