Walker wins Plumas hockey tournament
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- Published on Friday, July 14, 2017
Photo by Larissa Stanley
The winner of the Plumas hockey tournament holding up the home made trophy, Brady Walker and his goalie Dave Stanley cheering him on.
By Kira McCormick-Adema
The Neepawa Banner
On Saturday July 8, Plumas had their first road hockey tournament, prior to the fair. There were 10 teams overall, four kids teams and six adult teams. They played three on three and there were five players per team. The games started at 10:00 am and ended close to 7:30 pm. The winning team for the kids division was the Redhounds and for the adult division was Brady Walker’s team. While the games were going on, there was also a giant waterslide bouncy castle for the kids. Campfire Crashers, from Winnipeg, came and started playing at 9:00 pm and a community member said, they did a wonderful job. There were fireworks at 10:00 pm.
What is the Citizens on Patrol Program?
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- Published on Thursday, July 13, 2017
By Don Chubey
Neepawa COPP
The COPP (Citizens on Patrol Program) is an organization in many communities in Manitoba. It is a significant partner in the community policing concept, involved in crime prevention. The organization is established with the approval from the local policing agency (in rural Manitoba, it’s the R.C.M.P.). The major sponsor of the program in Manitoba is M.P.I. (Manitoba Public Insurance). The Manitoba COPP is the governing body of all 56 local COPP groups in Manitoba.
A wild weekend in Carberry
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- Published on Thursday, July 13, 2017
Photos by John Drinkwater. The Carberry Fair hosted sled races on Saturday, July 8.
The Neepawa Banner
A wide array of activites entertained during the 2017 edition of the Carberry Fair, held July 7-9.
Rivers Fair and Parade a success
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- Published on Thursday, July 13, 2017
By Sheila Runions
The Rivers Banner
Rivers’ annual fair began Tuesday evening, July 4 with the annual Manitoba Gymkhana Rodeo Association (MGRA) horse competition which included reining, poles, barrels, etc. For the first time in its history, supper was served at the horse ring in the form of pork on a bun, chips and coleslaw. This new feature was “ very well received for a first time; we served between 65 and 70 people,” says horse director Amie Griffith. The MGRA needed 5.5 hours to showcase peewee, junior and senior classes, some of which had 21 entries.
Casual cops' certifications
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- Published on Thursday, July 13, 2017
By Bruce Klassen
River Police Chief
As reported in the June 30 edition of Rivers Banner, Rivers Police Service (RPS) is attempting to better acquaint the community with its members. We first introduced you to our regular full-time members, Sgt. Bob Futrell and Const. Brett Seib. Today’s features will inform you of our casual employees, of which there are four.