Country Meadows barbecue fundraiser

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Neepawa Press Archives
The Helping Hands girls (L-R): Rylee Mann, Cecilie Holm, Claire Tomoniko, Abigail Plett, Richelle Forgue) along with a volunteer and resident of Country Meadows (Paul Molloy).Picture from last year’s Barbecue.

By Kira McCormick-Adema
The Neepawa Press
 Later this month, area residents will have the chance to enjoy lunch, while supporting a worthy cause.  The third annual barbecue fundraiser for Country Meadows is coming up on Friday, July 21. The fundraiser is put on by five students, who are called the Helping Hands. The five student volunteer are Rylee Mann, Clair Tomoniko, Cecilie Holm, Richelle Forgue and Abigail Plett. Their parents and residents of Country Meadows also help with the barbecue.
The money raised at the fundraiser is used to help pay for the use of the handi van for resident outings. From March 17 to October 28, 2016, handi van rentals for those trips cost $5,023.15. The residents went on around 40 different trips, which included, Clear Lake, going out on country cruises; visiting different towns that the residents might be from; such as: Plumas, Glenella, Carberry and Minnedosa; the Legion and out for the Neepawa Natives games. None of the residents have to pay for the use of the handi van because of the fundraising that is held. Marsha Forgue, the activity supervisor at Country Meadows, says that being able to do these trips improve the residents’ quality of life.
Some of the Country Meadows residents will attend the lunch and enjoy all the company of the people that come out to support them. In addition to the food sales, they are selling summer raffle tickets for $2 at the barbecue. The prizes include a patio swing, a barbecue and a fire pit, all donated by local businesses.
This is one of the major fundraisers for the activity program at Country Meadows. The barbecue in the previous years raised approximately $1,100 in 2015 and  $1,425 in 2016.  The barbeque will run from 11 am until 1 pm, in the Neepawa Shop Easy parking lot.

New bench for lookout

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photo courtesy of Kathy Jasienczyk

This lovely bench, donated by the Beautiful Plains Credit Union, is located at the lookout for the Langford Recreational Trail system. Situated at the entrance to the trailhead, it beckons hikers and visitors alike to sit for a while under the shade of the covered roof and enjoy the tranquility of the rolling hills, with their many shades of green and the blueish rise of the Riding Mountain escarpment in the distance. The trails are in excellent condition, each trail has its own unique footprint. After soaking up nature while sitting on the bench, immerse yourself on a trail or trails of your choice and experience all these trails have to offer. The trails are well marked on PTH #16, east of Neepawa and they are only three miles south of the highway. The Canada 150 Active-8 Challange continues at this trail and the Rosedale Farm Trail.  Each week that you hike your name will go in a draw for weekly prizes.

They lived off the land


photo credit of Pat Wahoski
Pat developed a lifelong love of woodcutting while helping with his dad at the sawmill.

By Wayne Hildebrand
The Neepawa Press

Pat Wahoski’s grandparents, Thomas Jr. and Frances Wachowski (the Polish spelling) arrived in the Empire District, west of Polonia, with their eight children in 1901.  They followed 17 immigrant families originating from East-Central Europe who homesteaded Polonia (originally called Huns Valley) in 1885.  When they arrived, they lived at their relative’s farm, in a small grainery.  The first winter, they had to cover the grainery with snow to keep out the cold. Can you imagine a family of 10 living in a grainery through a Manitoba winter?

Read more: They lived off the land

1977: Westman marching band featured in Calgary Stampede Parade


Photo courtesy of Cecil Pittman Archives
Millie and Bill Johnson standing in front of “Band Shell”, located on the west side of the court house.

By Cecil Pittman
The Neepawa Press

80 Years Ago
Friday, July 16,1937
Robert Lee, the new miller at the Neepawa four mill, comes from Winnipeg but he knows Neepawa well, as he worked here before for the late R.C. Ennis, for 10 years. The family is taking up residence in the house on third street recently vacated by Geo. Agnew. 

Read more: 1977: Westman marching band featured in Calgary Stampede Parade

Rural Council Clips - July 10, 2017


The Rivers Banner

LUD of Rapid City, June 12: Minutes from the April 3 meeting were adopted. The service plan, as amended, to provide the following: door-to-door household garbage pick-up, sidewalk repairs, street lighting, beautification, a portion of town foreman wages, dust control, street improvements/snow removal, hiring summer students, drainage, animal control, urban renewal; throughout the entire LUD; a rate of $70 to be levied on all residences/businesses. The LUD recommends to main council to replace a headstone that was damaged by maintenance staff.  Administrator Bonnie Wright will be working out of the Oak River office on Thursdays. Work started on the beach today, black dirt and sand was moved, sod is to arrive on Wednesday. The next meeting is at the call of the chair. 

Read more: Rural Council Clips - July 10, 2017