Nominees announced

John Drinkwater
The Neepawa Banner

The 14th annual Tribute to Tourism Awards Gala will take place on Wednesday, June 7 at the International Peace Garden Interpretive Centre. The nominees are :

Read more: Nominees announced

Fire damages building, inventory


Kate Jackman - Atkinson
The Neepawa Banner

After a fire damaged their Eden-area warehouse last week, Tim Wiebe and Lewis Pohl, of AVION Harvest, are reaching out to the greater community for some help. On May 24, a grass fire reached their building and did about $29,000 in damage; burning a hole through one of the walls and damaging inventory, equipment and packaging supplies.

Read more: Fire damages building, inventory

Letters - Neepawa area children at risk

The Neepawa Banner

This is a serious matter that the writer believes concerns all parents of children in Neepawa and area. On May 10th at 3:35 p.m. (just after school was let out) at the intersection of Hospital St. and Mountain Ave. there was a near miss with an elementary student riding a bicycle and a school bus.

Read more: Letters - Neepawa area children at risk

Turtle river school division celebrating 50 years

50 year TRSD logo

Turtle River School Division

This year is a historic year for Turtle River School Division, as they proudly celebrate their 50th Anniversary.  Turtle River School Division was first formed back in 1967, when it became the 32nd division in Manitoba.  It has been Turtle River School Division’s privilege to serve the region and area in educating the residents and community.  Schools and divisions alike are local hubs and they support a community in many ways.  They are proud to be a part of the various communities and feel honoured to have been a part of their lives.      

Read more: Turtle river school division celebrating 50 years

Looking back - 1967: Neepawa retailers prepare for new revenue tax

Cecil Pittman
The Neepawa Press

 80 years ago. Tuesday May 25, 1937 
Last Friday, Geo. M. Deveson, of Arden, advertised purebred pigs for sale, in the Press. The advertisement was ordered for three issues, but Saturday afternoon he phoned to cancel it as he had received more inquires than could be accommodated. Mr. Deveson was more than satisfied with the result and is now a firm believer in advertising. To sell you must tell, and a special notice in the Press speaks to a vast audience.

Read more: Looking back - 1967: Neepawa retailers prepare for new revenue tax