Lagoon and fire hall big ticket items in budget


By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Press

Neepawa Town Council - Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Neepawa’s new budget for the upcoming year has received final approval. Town council unanimously passed the financial document after second and third reading on Tuesday, May 16.

Read more: Lagoon and fire hall big ticket items in budget

Help plants survive the sizzling summer heat

Metro News Service

The Neepawa Banner

summer the most enjoyable time of year, as the summer sun and warm breezes make the season perfect for rest and relaxation. But the months of June, July and August, which are often characterized by rising temperatures and stifling humidity, can be tough to endure as well.

Read more: Help plants survive the sizzling summer heat

Observation - May 18

Addy Oberlin

The Neepawa Banner

The grass is green, the dandelions are a beautiful yellow, growing on the south side of the house. The trees in our neighborhood are sprouting and the lilac bush and raspberry bushes are showing their new growth. I even heard a few lawnmowers already.

Read more: Observation - May 18

Homebodies - Taking in the ordinary

Rita Friesen

The Neepawa Banner

It was one of those little quotes included in the Reader’s Digest, under the heading ‘Advice on Life’ – ‘We’re all so busy chasing the extraordinary that we forget to stop and be grateful for the ordinary’, Brene Brown. Brené Brown studies human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love. She has been a featured guest on TED talk and Oprah, the author of several books. I admire her values and appreciate her writing. 

Read more: Homebodies - Taking in the ordinary

How to transform a fixer upper

Metro News Service

The Neepawa Banner

The real estate market will always have its ups and downs, but real estate is an oft-profitable investment. Real estate investors do their investing for various reasons. Some see a house as a place to hang their hats for years and years, while others look at properties as nothing more than investments.

Read more: How to transform a fixer upper