My perspective - Always playing catch up

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

On March 24, 150 people died when an airplane en route to Düsseldorf from Barcelona crashed into the French alps. Shortly after the crash, investigators recovered the black box from the Germanwings plane and the recordings indicated that the plane was purposely crashed by the co-pilot. Investigators have said that the cockpit recordings clearly show that the pilot had been locked out of the cabin– he could be heard pounding on the door and yelling “Open the damn door!”.

Read more: My perspective - Always playing catch up

Right in the centre- Hope for the future

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

The Good Friday and Easter Sunday weekend has for 20 centuries provided a renewal of hope for mankind. Be it in times of prosperity or famine, in peace or in war, the Easter message is, if nothing else, a message of hope. 

Read more: Right in the centre- Hope for the future

Homebodies - Are we entitled to smooth speedways?

By Rita Friesen

It is spring. Along with the gentle silver/gray pussy willows, the raucous cry of the ebony crow and the clean line of migrating geese, we have pot holes. The news has been reminding us that, once again, we have the opportunity to nominate a road, any road, for Manitoba’s Worst Road. 

Read more: Homebodies - Are we entitled to smooth speedways?

Faithfully Yours - It's all about grace

By Neil Strohschein

It’s happened several times in the past 2-3 weeks; sometimes by phone, sometimes in person. Someone pulls me aside and says: “Neil, have you heard about…” What follows is some news about a tragic event that has happened in the life of someone I know.

Read more: Faithfully Yours - It's all about grace

My perspective - Making 1+1=3

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

Volunteerism is at the heart of most rural Manitoba communities. Almost everything that happens in our communities does so thanks to the donation of time made by community members.

Read more: My perspective - Making 1+1=3