Faithfully Yours - More than just giving candy up

By Neil Strohschein

A mother of two pre-teens, so the story goes, prepared a beautiful Shrove Tuesday meal of pancakes, sausages and fresh fruit for her family. As they were eating, she said to her children: “Tomorrow is first day of Lent, and this year we are giving up candy and ice cream.” Her oldest son looked at her and said: “Aww, Mom! We give them up every night after 8 p.m. Why do we have to give them up during the day as well?” 

Read more: Faithfully Yours - More than just giving candy up

My perspective - We need viable solutions

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

In Manitoba, health care never seems to be far from our minds. We worry about care, we worry about timely access, we worry about costs. Health also figures prominently in the provincial government’s priorities.

Read more: My perspective - We need viable solutions

Right in the centre - Some things don't add up

By Ken Waddell

The Neepawa Banner

The New Democratic Party of Manitoba will choose a leader on March 8. It might be the current leader, Greg Selinger, or it could be one of the challengers, Steve Ashton or Theresa Oswald. The NDP choose their leaders by a delegate convention system. Delegates are chosen in a number of ways and they all gather at a central location to vote. This year, the delegates in certain constituencies will be allowed to vote with a mail-in ballot.

Read more: Right in the centre - Some things don't add up

Homebodies - I lost a year!

By Rita Friesen

It has happened before, and it has happened again. I lost a year. The first time I lost track of time I locked my father into being 45. He stayed there, for me, three years. And then I caught on, and caught up. It didn’t seem a big deal. Forty-five is the mid-forties. Mid can be anywhere between 42 and 47.  His physical features didn’t change much in that era and neither did his school pictures! He was teaching in the time when a suit and tie was the norm. He must have had a favourite tie, it appeared in several consecutive photos. Ageless and timeless. 

Read more: Homebodies - I lost a year!

Not so silent E - Losing doesn't build character, it reveals it.

By Eoin Devereux

The Neepawa Banner

Losing sucks…I know that’s not exactly a Woodward and Bernstein type news exclusive I’m starting this column with here. I may as well throw in some other obvious statements such as water is wet and puppies are adorable, but stick with me on this. While there are exceptions to every rule, for the most part, losing is not something we as a species often enjoy. It’s even harder to deal with when you know the person, or in this case, team deserved better.

Read more: Not so silent E - Losing doesn't build character, it reveals it.