Right in the centre - In God we trust

By Ken Waddell

Neepawa Banner & Press

In God we trust is the official motto of the United States of America. Adopted officially in 1956 by the U.S. government, it is followed to varying degrees by the U.S. government and its citizens. Also to varying degrees, it is held near and dear by other countries and to a greater or lesser extent by individuals everywhere. I say to a greater or lesser extent because how much we trust in God is a matter of choice. Countries and individuals make that choice every day.

Read more: Right in the centre - In God we trust

Hybrid plan unveiled for cannabis sales in Manitoba

By Greg Nesbitt. Riding Mountain MLA


Our government is taking action for the health and safety of Manitobans as the federal legalization of marijuana in July 2018 draws closer. We have unveiled a hybrid model for the distribution and retail of cannabis, providing roles for the public and private sectors, to ensure the safety of Manitobans and keep criminal gangs out of the business while creating market opportunities for retailers at the same time.

Read more: Hybrid plan unveiled for cannabis sales in Manitoba

Thumbs up, thumbs down - December 1, 2017

Would you like to send a thumbs up or thumbs down to an individual or group in the community? Please send it our way. Submissions must include a name and must be under 100 words. We want to hear from you! In person: 243 Hamilton St. Neepawa By fax: 204-476-5073 By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read more: Thumbs up, thumbs down - December 1, 2017

My perspective - Where's the beef?

Kate Jackman - Atkinson
Neepawa Banner & Press

It’s been a little over a year since provincial Agriculture minister Ralph Eichler announced an ambitious goal to grow the province’s beef cattle herd from about 400,000 animals, to pre-BSE levels, about 750,000 animals, by 2026.  For those in the industry, the vocal show of support was welcome news, but making that dream a reality is easier said than done.

Read more: My perspective - Where's the beef?

Right in the centre - Delay, delay, delay!

Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press

Seems that I have titled a column that way before. That may well be true but it seems that delaying action is a recurring trait and especially so for councils. The Town of Neepawa has fallen into one of the worst and most costly delays in the history of Neepawa. The recently announced and much needed new fire hall is the result of a decision that was delayed for close to 20 years. 

Read more: Right in the centre - Delay, delay, delay!