My perspective - The signs and the times

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

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Day by day, more election signs are coming and on October 19, Canadians will head to the polls to elect their federal representatives. On this day, we will select the individual we want to bring forward our views and stand up for the issues that matter to us.

Read more: My perspective - The signs and the times

Right in the centre - Only in Canada

By Ken Waddell

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Canada is a great country, a country only held back by a lack of imagination. The same holds true for Manitoba and yes, it holds true for many rural towns. If we had more imagination and better utilization of our financial, human and intellectual resources, we would be much more than we are. However, we are held back by a lack of those same things. Deep down, everyone knows that.

There are some things we could change and do so almost instantly if we really wanted to.

Read more: Right in the centre - Only in Canada

Homebodies - There always is a list of possible yard jobs

By Rita Friesen

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It has been a rewarding week for my goal of 30 minutes extra yard work. I have to admit, when the days were super hot and overly humid, I fell behind in my ambition and achieving my goal. 

Read more: Homebodies - There always is a list of possible yard jobs

Faithfully yours - Seeing people through God's eyes

By Neil Strohschein

The Neepawa Banner

Last week, I identified some topics on which I will reflect in the weeks leading up to the October 19 federal election. In these reflections, I will offer some thoughts on the improvements we need to see in Canada if it is to become a country in which we are proud to live.

Read more: Faithfully yours - Seeing people through God's eyes

My perspective - Looking to the past

By Kate Jackman-Atkinson

The Neepawa Banner

I recently returned from a trip to Chicago and what struck me above all else was the city’s seamless integration of past, present and future. 

Read more: My perspective - Looking to the past