Right in the Centre - Historical Foundations (repeat)
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- Published on Thursday, July 11, 2024
By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press
The following column is a re-run from July 2023. Whether it’s a review or new to you, I hope you enjoy the history and I welcome your comments.
When we look back through the archived pages of our newspapers, we get a bird’s eye view of how things were done over 100 years ago. Some things really stand out.
Perhaps the first thing that jumps off the pages is the lack of what would today we call “political correctness”. Opinions and humour back in the day were pretty much unbridled. There was no filter on the editors’ typewriters 100 or more years ago.They said whatever was on their minds and sometimes their comments very bluntly called out politicians and citizens alike.
Read more: Right in the Centre - Historical Foundations (repeat)
Right in the centre - Some uncomfortable truths
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- Published on Friday, July 5, 2024
By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press
Former US President Ronald Reagan said once, “The nine most feared words in the English language are, I’m here from the government and I’m here to help.”
How true that is. Generally speaking, when governments get involved, they screw things up. The modern day economy is littered with examples. While well intentioned, most government initiatives are inefficient, expensive and misguided. But as a wise friend of mine pointed out after reading this column, big businesses screw up badly too. Big tobacco companies as an example.
Right in the centre - 35 years in the making
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- Published on Thursday, June 27, 2024
By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press
Last week I wrote about the way we have developed our newspaper business model and how the Waddell family now has three papers. The Neepawa Banner & Press and now the Virden Empire Advance are owned by my wife Christine and myself with some input from our two sons, Mike and Rob. The Rivers Banner is owned by grandson Micah Waddell and as noted last week we manage it for him. I forgot to say last week that son Mike, and his wife Naomi, publish Brandon’s News-in-Minute.
Right in the centre: Waddell Group purchases Virden Empire Advance
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- Published on Thursday, June 20, 2024
By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press
I have often spoken and written along the following lines. In life, we need the four “F” words, namely Faith, Family, Friends and Finances. And we need to keep them in that order. I learned long ago the need for faith, it’s essential. My mother and father and two older brothers taught me the importance of family. When I joined into my wife Christine’s family, the Lobels at Virden, my appreciation of family grew deeper.
Read more: Right in the centre: Waddell Group purchases Virden Empire Advance
Right in the centre - Crime needs to be curbed
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- Published on Thursday, June 13, 2024
By Ken Waddell
Neepawa Banner & Press
I am a regular reader of newspapers and news websites. No surprise there, I guess. When I scan the news, what does surprise me, and I am certain surprises others, is how much arson, theft, assault and murder takes place. It is even more surprising that often the culprits have very long records. Why are we subjected to the tyranny of highly active repeat offenders?